How does ConXense work?


Services are free for our customers.

A vetted team of key lead generators focus on expanding the supplier and customer networks.


Customers have the ability to select from the list of available providers, or allow the system to provide them with the best matches.

Suppliers have access to customer's requests that match their capabilities and can decide which requests to participate on.


Suppliers can have access to analytics to improve their offerings.

Peer feedback and reputation scores will enable the best performers to be recognized, while analytics and data will support up-and comer providers to improve their operations.


Suppliers effectively reduce travel and entertainment costs while consistently growing the business.

Why ConXense?


Technology has proven time and time again to be a catalyzer for efficiency.

Upcoming generations favor social platforms for personal and business interactions.


Customers and providers can build reputation based consistently select the perfect match for the requirements.

Customer acquisition costs are elevated and difficult to forecast.


A large part of the experienced sales force will be retiring in the next 5 years.

Provider’s reach is limited to the geographical areas their sales team operates in.

To enable providers to focus and invest on customer satisfaction.


Providers need an effective and economical alternative to widen their access to foreign and domestic customers.

To enable sales professionals the opportunity to work at the times and locations that best suit their lifestyle.

At ConXense we believe in the magic of bringing problems and solutions together.